Tips to Avoid a Heat Illness
Fall is a great time for a race in Tennessee, and we hope you’ll register to run with us in the 7 Bridges Marathon on October 16, 2016! But as we head into the summer training season, we’d like to remind all of our runners to be vigilant against the potential dangers of running beneath a sweltering sun.
This season, be sure to watch out for:
Heat Cramps
Painful muscle contractions which usually happen in the calves, quadriceps and abdominals.
Heat Exhaustion
Your body temperature can get up to 104 degrees when you suffer from heat exhaustion, and can cause nausea, vomiting, headache, fainting, dizziness, weakness, and clammy skin.
Heat Stroke
In the event of a heat stroke, your body temperature can rise beyond 104 degrees! You will be hot to the touch, but won’t perspire. Untreated heat exhaustion can lead to organ failure, brain damage, and even death.
What can you do to avoid the dangers of running in hot weather?
Pay attention.
Check the temperature outside, and adjust your workout if it is abnormally hot. You may want to run indoors or hit a treadmill if you can.
Hydrate effectively.
Dehydration quickly raises your risk of a heat illness. If you are planning a hard workout in hot weather, drink a sports drink to help replenish your electrolytes.
Dress accordingly.
Select lightweight and breathable clothes for your run, avoid dark colors, and wear a hat.
Take it easy.
If it’s the first hot day of the year, or an especially hot and humid day, you might need to postpone your long run or adjust your training schedule. Always ease into running in hot weather and prioritize your health.